I was born and raised in Pakistan to a working-class family, where I saw my family working hard to make ends meet. An environment where I learned to dream big, work hard and never give up, and these lessons stayed with me throughout my life. Here I share a few important decisions that shaped my journey to excellence.
I was a bright student and got admitted to one of the finest engineering universities in Pakistan. After graduating, I set my eyes on going to the US for my higher studies. As I shared my decision, I constantly heard comments of rejection and negativity. I realized that how many people think linearly and continue to stay in their comfort zone. However, this strengthened my conviction even further that I had to aspire and support my family to achieve bigger things in life. Finally, I made it to the US, completed my studies, and started working at one of the top automotive companies. Looking backward, I see the impact of this decision on my family and friends as they excelled as well. This critical decision reinforced my belief in a big dream and the courage to follow the plan in achieving excellence.
After working for a decade in automotive, and as the financial recession of 2008 was looming, I took another bold career decision to move into the automation industry that was projected to be the future technology. It was a difficult decision given the economic situation and job market. However, here I got a chance to develop leadership experience in business strategy, innovation and product development, and operations transformation. Again, this decision proved to be vital financially and professionally, a turning point for me.
After working in corporate for two decades, the unconventional dreamer inside me was probing to take a more entrepreneurial journey. I had a calling, a calling to challenge my potential, to explore more, to try something that had always been hidden somewhere inside me, to get on a self-reflecting journey. But, again, I encountered severe opposition to my decision, which made me realize the fixed mindset of people and the notion of staying in a tight lane. This unique opportunity allowed me to give back to society through several projects, including Transformability.io, an operations transformation consulting and, IndustryX.org, a center of operational excellence at Wayne State University. The journey is on, and this decision proved to be one of my most challenging and valuable.
I would say always dream big, make bold decisions, work hard, and keep challenging yourself and others.
تندئ بادِ مخالف سے نہ گھبرا اے عقاب
یہ تو چلتی ہے تجھے اونچا اڑانے کے لیے
“Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.”