10 Ways to Make Successful Organizational Change

In the era of COVID 19, many businesses, industries, and major corporations suffered setbacks globally. The firms that were quick to adopt the new norms were able to survive the economic regression and sustain financially. On the other hand, the companies which resisted the changing dynamics saw a decline and ended up on the verge of bankruptcy.

Bringing necessary changes in the company and transforming according to the challenges and technology advancements is extremely necessary for modern-day businesses. Even before the Pandemic, companies like Nokia and Kodak were static in terms of evolving. Thus, they have fallen way behind in the competitive market.

Therefore it is the need of the hour for companies to evolve their structure, goals and working to keep up with the market competition. A company’s higher management often pursues organizational changes, but they can often not achieve their required goals or see successful transformation in their firms. Below we introduce some important aspect which would collectively improve organizational transformation.

A Clear Vision

Like the start of any project, business, or company, organizational change also requires a bold vision. The higher management needs to be aligned on this goal without any confusion. A shared vision and understanding of the stakeholders will create more opportunities for success in the longer run. 

Sort out your resources

Managing the resources and reviewing them before the organizational change starts will be very crucial. Even for a company with vast resources, it is essential to sort out the resources, whether human resources or finances, before initiating a change effort. Moreover, this needs to remain under constant surveillance throughout the change run.

A New Strategy

The change in the company’s strategy is a crucial step to bring about successful organizational transformation. Every team leader needs to revise the organization’s planning and implement an effective strategy for their team. The renewed plan will impact the organization’s overall work, but to keep it running efficiently, the leader needs to target goals that would benefit them in the longer run. 

Build a Stronger Leadership

Changing leadership is often considered a crucial move in bringing organizational changes. Such replacements might be feasible at times, but it is not practical or successful every time. An improvement in leadership or team management can also come when the team leader revamps their performance, leadership style, and communication. In either of the two cases, the objective will be to improve the outcome of the team and increase the company performance

Engage your team in the transformation process

While the company is going through organizational changes, the employees feel insecure throughout the process. To get the entire team on the same page, a leader needs to involve the team members in the process. Communicate and get suggestions from them.  If the team shows authentic engagement in the organizational changes, the transformation is destined to succeed.

Management of  Change

Once the organizational transformation gets under implementation, it requires careful management. Well-structured change management will mitigate the risk and have better change adaptability. An important factor while managing the change is to communicate it effectively to the right person. This improves staff’s commitment to the change process that helps sustain the changes being made.

Get timely feedback

As the team gets involved deeply in the organizational change, the time to assess the progress comes. Feedback and analysis of the transition need to be done carefully. Feedback will evaluate the effectiveness of the transformation. Moreover, timely feedback and quick action will set the company on the right track, saving the entire process from collapsing down.

Maintaining the Changes

The leadership needs to follow up on the feedback received. Utilizing the input, the transformation process can be improved manifold. The continuous evolvement in the change process helps establish and continue transition. A good leader will maintain the momentum gained in the earlier stages and take it forward until achieving the required goals.

Change Portfolio management

The change portfolio management includes various more considerable change efforts such as digital transformation, mergers, etc., and more minor changes such as projects. Every project that has impacted the team’s innovation will be an addition to the change portfolio. Moreover, the team-lead needs to focus on hard data such as percentage growth, profit, finance, sale, the entire transformation, and soft things such as leadership, unity, and creativity.

Focus on Culture Change

During phases of a complete organizational transformation, changing the office or work culture requires special attention. This change focuses on the way things work in a company. Culture Change includes adopting new practices such as working online during COVID or improving the overall work environment through leisure activities side-by-side.

Overall, if incorporated altogether, these aspects can be a win-win factor for the team and be critical in revolutionizing the organization as a whole. If implemented effectively, changes can create new corridors for the company and the individual team members. On the other hand, if the factors mentioned above do not get implemented together, they can become a reason for the company’s decline. Thus a balanced and focused approach for Organizational changes can drive the company to success.

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