Change excellence success will follow

Success and excellence are words that are often used interchangeably. However, they are different, and understanding them can make a big difference in our thinking and trajectory. Let’s understand.  Success is an output and a result. It is transactional and an external measure of money, power, prestige, and others. When we say success, we can generally measure it, touch it. For example, Nelson Mandela was successful in liberating South Africa from apartheid, an institutionalized system of racial segregation, and at age 77, became the president. We can all see the result of his long struggle; however, we only fantasize about the outcome and follow it. On the other hand, excellence is input, the fuel born out of pure love and passion to relentlessly pursue our purpose and becoming the best. It is non-transactional and internal, only felt by its tremendous energy. Nelson Mandela did not dream about becoming the president; he followed his passion with persistence to bring freedom to South African people, and the rest is history. We don’t remember him as the president of South Africa, but for his brave fight for justice, freedom and peace.  Success is a dream of many but awarded to a few. In contrast, excellence is available to all but embraced by a handful. Chase excellence and success will follow guaranteed. Cheers

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